Topic > Childless and Childless Family Structures in...

The required satisfaction of specific needs is a necessity in both structures to ensure the healthy well-being of individuals in the family group. As observed in childless families, their need for work and an adequate standard of living is met as in Australia 49% are employed full time and 48% earn more than $50,000 per year (ACS, 2002) , and an ACS survey reports that 60% conclude they participate in recreational activities on a monthly basis. Furthermore, another common point is that both family structures require emotional stability, a strong support system, security and well-being, so members within the family adopt specific roles to ensure that these aspects are met, as seen in single-parent families in which the parent/guardian adopts the role. of both parents (guardian/provider) for dependents. Consequently, through the shared need for specific needs to be met, both childless and single-parent families