Effective communication and its importance for supervision Communication can often be overlooked and one can easily assume that one has good communication skills. If there is a lack of effective communication within an organization, this can potentially affect every process. Every aspect and function of an organization relies on communication in some form. A supervisor must realize that only by ensuring effective communication can he have the right expectations from his employees. Employees must receive proper instructions, understand what their responsibilities are, and never feel like they can't talk to their supervisor. Supervisors and employees should be able to share information openly and always be confident that a message has been understood. A supervisor must also be able to receive and fully understand messages from top management and every member of the organization. Communication skills should develop as a top priority as they are related to every aspect of an organization. Minimizing barriers and being aware of them is essential for good communication. This document highlights the value and significance that effective communication has in the workplace. Effective supervision depends on communication A communication system is a management tool that should provide an opportunity for communication within the organization between various levels. In carrying out the managerial functions of planning, coordination, direction and motivation, management must communicate with managers and operational staff. Effective communication provides data for effective decision making. Delegation of authority should be discussed and exchanged (Rayudu, 2010, P.229-230). Communication is essential to every aspect of the business… middle of paper… to first understand the communication expectations the organization has of them and to upskill when necessary.” For a supervisor to communicate effectively, he or she must take multiple aspects into consideration. Objectively the supervisor will be able to create the appropriate environment and understand the complexities involved in communicating with all employees. References Leonard, E. C., & Hilgert, R. L. (2007). Supervision: Management Concepts and Practices (10th ed.). Mason, Ohio: Thomson/South-Western.Media, D. (n.d.). What does effective communication in organizations involve? | Small Businesses - Chron.com. Small Businesses - Chron.com. Retrieved November 10, 2011, from http://smallbusiness.chron.com/effective-communication-organizations-involve-713.htmlRayudu, C.S. (2010). Communication (Rev. ed.). Mumbai [India: Himalaya Pub. House.]