Like broadcast advertising, to attract more customers, all other strategies will work. So that the implementation is resolved. Monitor: - All promotional strategies and activities will be monitored in different ways. The goal is only to address the implementation of the evaluation. It may be possible to know the sales figures of various franchises and get feedback from customers and probe whether they really think about the brand's restaurant. Evaluation: - We observe to see whether the sales results that evaluation is a process Advertising and strategies are working or not. It's working so well, so we need to figure out what we can improve. It won't work, but if we find out where our strategy went wrong and why it didn't work in increasing sales.Rectification:- In this, we have to make changes based on evaluation by monitoring what comes out of the implementation. In this we come to us, who correct all the mistakes that McDonalds could not get the customer and sales increases can not achieve, which is the time of evaluation.