Topic > AM vs FM Radio - 963

In modern society, radio is the most widely used means of electronic transmission and communication. Radio can be transmitted with both microwaves and longer radio waves. These are transmitted in two ways: amplitude modulation (AM) and frequency modulation (FM). Amplitude radio is created by combining a sound wave from a microphone, tape, record, or CD with a "carrier" radio wave. This results in a wave that transmits voice or programming as its amplitude (intensity) increases and decreases. Frequency modulation transmits information, voice and music over a radio wave means changing or modulating the frequency slightly. A big advantage of frequency modulation is that it is free of static electricity. AM radio works by changing the amplitude of the carrier wave while FM radio works by changing the frequency of the carrier wave. In amplitude modulation the amplitude of a carrier wave at a specific frequency is changed. The antenna emits two types of Am waves: ground waves and sky waves. From the antenna, earth waves spread horizontally and travel through the air along the earth's surface. On the other hand, sky waves expand in the sky. When these waves reach the ionosphere, they can be reflected back to earth. This reflection allows AM radio waves to be received at great distances from the antenna. From this image it is clear that terrestrial waves do not travel very far. This means that numerous stations can be put on the same frequency without interfering with each other, assuming they are far enough apart. The problems encountered are that sky waves can end up in other states, provinces or even other countries. FM radio waves also go horizontally along the ground and up into the sky. However, due to the higher frequency of the carrier with...... half the paper Hetrodyne is a method of transferring a broadcast signal from a carrier at a fixed frequency into a receiver, so most of you do not need to return the receiver when changing radio channels/station. A superhetrodyne receiver is fitted to most modern radios to use the hetrodyne method. Hetrodyning is used with AM and FM radio to ensure a more convenient and efficient experience. There are many differences between AM and FM radio, as AM has the ability to have a greater number of channels but does not have the best quality. FM does not have the same capacity in terms of number of channels, but the space between channels is much larger, which makes the quality much better. Although FM radio is limited to 100 radio channels, this is compensated by the quality of the radio transmitted and is therefore the best option.Lee Wilson