Topic > The Decade Known as the Great Depression - 827

The decade known as the Great Depression was an era full of trials and tribulations. Historians continue to debate the root causes of the stock market crash that sent the country into depression. Others deride the ineptitude of the Canadian government's response to the crisis. In any case, the “Dirty Thirties” were a time period unlike any other. While those who suffered are largely gone, the memory of those dark days remains today. First, there are many factors that contributed to starting the Great Depression. Overproduction and expansion were a problem because almost every industry was expanding in the 1920s. Industries quickly made products that were not sold and to slow down production they eliminated jobs because they forgot the basic economic rule of producing only as many items as possible and because wages were not high enough to purchase all the goods that were made . Canada's dependence on some primary production and dependence on the United States also had a huge effect on the Depression. The Canadian economy is closely tied to that of the United States and when the American economy fell ill, Canada suffered because it no longer needed products such as sold grain, fish, minerals, pulp and paper. When the Depression hit, demands for all of these items dropped, and other countries also produced huge surpluses that drove prices down. Another cause was that Canada imposed high tariffs, it was also a factor in the Great Depression, but it affected many countries because it blocked international trade, countless countries imposed high tariffs on goods coming into their country to protect national industries, causing trade to begin between nations. slow down. Buying credits and buying stocks were also a... medium of paper... money by the munitions men and they would feel confident enough to buy a suit and then the tailor would feel confident to go buy a dress. dresser and so on. This began the economy to get back into shape and out of the Great Depression. In all, everyone was affected by the Great Depression in one way or another. The government didn't take responsibility until the 1940s, but that didn't pay off to the men and that went through that dark decade. The “Dirty Thirties” was a time no one wanted to return to and we were happy to see it go. As industries got back on their feet, people started finding more jobs because of the war, and food started growing, the devastation of the Great Depression was not forgotten. Those lives that could have been lived without pain suffered greatly and the memories of those days persist to this day..