Using drama in ESL lessons or performances offers many benefits to students. Drama not only can help students improve their academic performance but also benefits students' development in five holistic areas which are physical development, emotional development, intellectual development, social development and moral development. Here I will focus on how to develop children's language as well as their aesthetic values using the adapted script “The Ogre and the Three Goats” through drama. There are many ways in which the teacher can use drama in the language classroom to help students develop their language and aesthetic values. Theatrical activities such as storytelling, reading theater, simulation and role play, as well as story dramatization, can be carried out by the teacher to facilitate students in learning language and encourage aesthetic sense in children. According to Maley (2005), theater integrates language skills in a natural way. Attentive listening is a key characteristic. Spontaneous verbal expression is an integral part of most activities; and many of them require reading...