To me, equality of opportunity in public education means that every single person deserves and is entitled to an equal opportunity to obtain a good education, grow, and make positive progress throughout their time in school and be able to reach their full potential later in life. These people should be treated identically, not differently because of their gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status. In a democratic society, personally speaking, I think that fairness and equality go hand in hand in the field of public education. Equity, in the aspect of education, is the idea that something may be fair, but it is not always the same. Equality is the idea that everyone is seen as equal. Without fairness, there would be no equality. In terms of school funding accessibility, equality of opportunity would be one where all public schools are distributed the same amount of money for their school. Once distributed, the money should be distributed equally among areas that desperately need help. The money could be dispersed to help children with special needs, to support art, music and sports programs, or for technology that could be a useful teaching tactic. More importantly, this funding would be given to areas and programs in need and where students would benefit most. If a school had an outstanding arts and music program, but its special education department was lacking, money should be given to the education department to help improve and provide teachers and students with the appropriate resources. Resume is important as it is the basic factor that plays a role in determining growth, achievement and success. Most of the curriculum involves… half the paper… the pressure of keeping up with other students. Here they can work at their own pace and find the solution that best suits them to understand or solve a problem. A final idea that school reform should address to create equal opportunity in public schools would be to set standards and dedicate more classroom time to these important tasks. These standards are put in place to help you evaluate your progress. It is important to have some standards, but they must be workable. To make these standards achievable, the teacher will be able to personalize them so that the standard can be met by the student. Dedicating a decent amount of time to getting students to meet these standards is critical. Without sufficient time, students may not be able to fully grasp and understand what they are being taught, resulting in standards not being met.