What is organizational development? Beckhard (1996) defined organizational development as a planned, organization-wide, top-down effort to increase organizational effectiveness and health through planned interventions in the "process" of the organization, using the science of behavior (Anderson, 2012, p.2). . Nowadays in the business field, for an organization to be successful, it must be flexible. They must implement effective organizational development (OD) interventions that are “intended to make an organization and its constituent parts aware of how outcomes are achieved and how individuals and groups relate to each other” (Leach, 1978, p. 34 ). “OD interventions imply respect for people, a climate of trust and support, shared power, open discussion of problems and active participation of interested parties” (Justo, 2009, ¶ 1). This research paper identifies the different interventions; define an intervention, why interventions fail, and plan interventions for success. There are different levels that an organization might seek to improve as an individual, group, organization or trans-organization. “According to Robbins (1994), OD integrates a set of planned change interventions that are based on humanistic and democratic values, aimed at improving organizational effectiveness and employee well-being” (Justo, 2009, ¶ 3). The four main interventions used today are strategic, technostructural, management and leadership development, team development, and group process interventions. Strategic Intervention Strategic intervention focuses on the organization and its interaction with the external environment and often involves changes in many areas. ..... middle of paper ......NSxBD7EONRAcYyXD5omdRfqMzfTXcI2R2JfSPrm5fZzbwX50mIsMHy-exZaii&sig=AHIEtbT2Wuu1zwU6XkhQ4DC8AqDG4XEnEwWinter, Richard. (n.d.). Interpersonal interventions [PowerPoint slide]. Retrieved November 14, 2011, from http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:QvdOfrQg9q4J:teaching.fec.anu.edu.au/MGMT2035/Interpersonal_Week%25208.pdf+Process+consultation+in + Intervention + Process + Individual/Interpersonal 9AmYRzwWB4mOfWW7wq8erqX4GPFnLd6H&sig=AHIEtbRIlzZynRXQQo6UzWlmQc_iiGF9dQThird party interventions. (1998). Retrieved November 19, 2011, from http://www.colorado.edu/conflitti/peace/treatment/3ptyint.htmHaws, Tim. (n.d.). Team building. Retrieved November 19, 2011, from http://edweb.sdsu.edu/people/Arossett/pie/Interventions/teaming_1.htm