However; that's also the problem with this view. The problem with this theory is that we cannot say that some actions are intrinsically wrong. We would like to say that some acts, such as throwing a child into a bathtub full of acid for fun, are not allowed, no matter where you are. In the case of adopting cultural relativism, we couldn't say that because if the person's culture allowed it and said it was morally permissible, then they would be right. Similarly, in the case of adopting subjectivism, as long as the person who committed the action thought that such action was morally permissible, such a statement could not be made. If we adopted ethical nihilism, statements like this could have no truth value. Since ethical nihilism states that there is no correct answer, we could not say that something was wrong and give it a truth factor. To do this there must be a correct alternative, but nihilism claims that there is none