Divorce, once unheard of among most people, is now a common occurrence in families when adults have decided they can no longer resolve their differences. Unfortunately, divorce tends to have a negative impact on the children in the family, particularly affecting children who already have psychological or emotional difficulties, such as ADHD (Patten, 1999). Problems that arise in children of divorce range from behavioral issues to later relationship/trust issues. Divorced children more often exhibit behavioral problems at school than children from intact families, except when abuse is present in the home (Corcoran, 1997). Children of divorce also have more academic problems than children from intact families. This is true regardless of how their academic performance is evaluated, whether by grades, standardized tests, or dropout rates, children of divorce tend to have lower scores than children living in a family with two parents (Patten, 1999). divorce varies depending on the age of the child at the time of the divorce. Very young children (under two years old) may not have any problems, but by three to five years old, children may become more aggressive, cry, and regress to more youthful behaviors, such as returning to having difficulty going to the bathroom independently or needing the comfort of a security blanket (Patten, 1999). Preschoolers may withdraw, preferring to spend time alone rather than playing with other children. They may also seek adult attention more often or become more anxious or angry (Patten, 1999). Young children are often led to fantasize about their parents' reconciliation (Corcoran, 1997). School-age children tend to try to cope with the situation... middle of paper ......Works CitedCorcoran, K. (1997, June) Psychological and emotional aspects of divorce. Network. March 20, 2015 http://www.mediate.com/articles/psych.cfm?vm=r Foulkes-Jamison, L. (2001, January 1) The effects of divorce on children. Gainesville Family Magazine. Network. March 20, 2015 http://cpancf.com/articles_files/efffectsdivorceonchildren.asp?vm=rPatten, P. (1999) Divorce and Children Part I: Interview with Robert Hughes, Jr., PhD. News web for parents. March 20, 2015 http://www.athealth.com/consumer/disorders/childrendivorce.html?vm=rShaw, D and Ingoldsby, E. Children of Divorce. Network. March 20, 2015 http://www.pitt.edu/ppcl/Publications/chapters/children_of_divorce.htm?vm=rTemke, M. (2006) The effects of divorce on children. University of New Hampshire Publishing. Network. March 20, 2015http://extension.unh.edu/Family/Documents/divorce.pdf?vm=r