With today's extraordinary advances in science, more and more efforts are being spent on increasing the quality of human life on Earth. Scientists have now applied what they have learned in studying genetics to help modify and improve the properties of plants and organisms from which we can benefit greatly. Genetic engineering can be beneficial to humanity in the modern era as it is considered safe, capable of supporting the demand for resources from an ever-growing human population, and providing a potential cure for many incurable diseases and a possible life extension. Genetically engineered products that have been approved for use in the international market are all considered safe. In 1995, genetically modified foods (GM foods) were approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for human consumption as they are believed to meet all the same requirements as traditional organic crops. The FDA evaluates the safety assessments carried out by the developers of GM food which include the possible harmful or toxic effects, the potential to cause allergic reactions or allergenicity, the chemical components responsible for its nutritional or toxic properties, the chemical stability of the new genes put into act, the modification of the nutritional value of food accompanied by genetic modification and the safety measures implemented in case of adverse effects resulting from genetic modification. A team of FDA expert scientists, specializing in the fields of: toxicology, chemistry, genetic engineering and nutrition, are required to re-evaluate the risk assessments provided by seed developers with great care to ensure the safety of the public. On top of that, the experience…half of the card…is then damaged, which causes the loss of important cellular functions leading to death. More recent studies have discussed the potential of developing a modified version of telomerase that increases the production of telomeres that can be used to extend human lifespan. However, future development of gene therapy in humans may greatly improve medical treatment options and the potential for longer life. As stated previously, the potential benefits of genetic engineering will have a huge impact on humanity in the modern era. With proper regulations, genetically modified foods would be perfectly safe for human ingestion. The numerous and excellent properties of GM crops and GMOs will become the perfect solution for the massive demands of the world. Gene therapy greatly increases the potential of medical treatments for the future and immortality.