Topic > A leadership assessment exam in a…

An organization cannot function successfully if the leadership is flawed. Therefore, it is wise for the organization to choose leaders who will be beneficial to their functioning. That said, leaders must be evaluated consistently when they are responsible for an operation. In this assignment the author will investigate how leadership is officially assessed in a correctional organization. The leadership positions that will be the subject of this assignment will be those of a correctional facility director. Prison Warden A prison warden governs and supervises the activities of correctional facility staff. They also safeguard the security of the facility, as well as the inmates. With the warden as administrator, it is responsible for the development and implementation of prison policies, budgets and prison programs. They also oversee the success of existing businesses and look for ways to improve them. The prison warden's duties also include deciding on the process of hiring, training, promoting, punishing, evaluating and firing staff. A prison warden also delegates responsibilities to leaders under his or her charge and oversight activities for compliance with prison and state regulations. The prison director also supervises support staff associated with prison programs in the areas of education, employment, mental health, and nursing. Additionally, wardens implement administrative operations in a prison, such as reviewing budget expenditures to ensure it is achieving its purpose. To become a prison warden the applicant will need to vary, but will normally need a bachelor's degree in fields ranging from social work, administration of justice and business. The position of director implies having a thorough erudition of administration...... half of the document ......192.2011.579915McCampbell, S.W. (2002). Create new successful guardians. Corrections Today, 64(6), 130.Miller, C.E., & Thornton, C.L. (2006). How accurate are your performance evaluations? Public Personnel Management, 35(2), 153-162. Shaw, D. (2010). One-year audit of Avenal State Prison Warden James Hartley. Retrieved from www. Walsh, K., & Fisher, D. (2005). Action inquiry and performance evaluation: Tools for organizational learning and development. The Organization of Learning, 12(1), 26-41. Retrieved from, B. K. (2010). The influence of a strengths-based intervention on the performance appraisal process. (Order No. 3417236, University of Phoenix). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, 197-n/a. Retrieved from (744523156).