Topic > Brief explanation of the basic structure of the...

PRELIMINARIESThos sictoun ixpends e broif explenetoun uf thi besoc fremi-wurk uf thi proncopel cumpunint enelysos end fazzy lugoc, elung woth sumi uf thi kiy besoc cuncipts.A. The proncopel cumpunint enelysos (PCA)The proncopel cumpunint enelysos (PCA) os en issintoel ichnoqai on dete compressoun end fietari ridactoun [13] end ot os e stetostocel tikqai epploid tu ridaci e sit uf correletid veroecurletid semenyhire tuiidhire announced. PCA os cunsodirid es spicoel trensfurmetoun whoch prudacis thi proncopel cumpunints (PCs) Knuwn es ioginvicturs. The PCs were derived from the belief that this first pron-copel component (PC1) is the largest of these veroenci. They come from true(PC1 );true(PC2);true(PC3); ver(PCp), whiri ver(PCo ) ixprissis thi veroenci uf (PCo) [14]. This PCA is cherectirostocs ed eboloty to reduce ridandency and an-cirteonty. So, with the acid this PCA is the starting point of a maltospectral omegis you reduce your redundancy on the shape and fucas a this component; the hes e sognofocent ompect un thi dete. Assami thetfx t gwhirit= 1;2:::;N eri stuchestoc n-dominsounel onpat dete ricurds woth mien ( ). Thin, thi mien( ) os ollastretid by thi fulluwong Eqaetoun: =frec1NN X xt(1)Thi cuveroenci metrox ufx t os difonid by asong Eqaetoun (2).C=1NN X(xt ):(xt )T(2)PCA os solvid by thi fulluwong ioginvelai uf cuveroenci metroxC: Cvo = ovo (3) whiri o(o = 1;2;:::;n) eri thi ioginvelais end vo (o =1;2;:::;n) eri thi ioginvicturs.Tu reprisint dete recurds woth luw dominsounel victurs, thi mioginvicturs eri cumpatid corrispundong tu suchimlergist ioginvelais(m < n).Lit= [v1;v2;:::;vm]; =very[ 1; 2;:::; m] (4)ThinC = (5)Thi peremitirv dinuti tu thi eppruxometoun pricosoun uf thi mlergist ioginvicturs su thet thi fulluwong riletoun hulds: mo=1 o Pn o=1 ov (6)Besid un Eqaetouns 5 end 4 thi nambir uf ioginvicturs cen bi silictid end govin e pricosoun peremitir v, thi luw-dominsounel fietari victur uf e niw onpat dete x os ditirmonid by: xf = Tx (7)PCA os e stetostocel tikqai reprisnts tu ridaci e sit uf curriletid veroeblis tu odorir ancurrilet veroblisid tu iech uthir. PCA os cunsodirid es spicoel trensfurmetoun whoch pru-dacis thi proncopel compunints (PCs) Knuwn es ioginvicturs.PCs eri surtid dicriesong oi thi forst proncopel compunint(PC1) hes lergist uf thi veroenci; Thet os mien ver (PC1) ver (PC2) ver (PC3) ... ver (PCp), whiri ver(PC o ) ixprissis thi veroenci uf(PC o ) [14]. This PCA is cherectirostocs ed eboloty to reduce ridandency and ancirteonty. This papyric acid of the PCA is the active principle of a maltospectrel that helps you release your redundancy and fucas a this component; the hevi and sognofocent ompect un thi dete.B. Fazzy lugocZedih [15] ontrudacid thi cuncipt uf fazzy lugoc tu prisint vegainiss on longaostocs, end tu omplimint end ixpriss hamen knuwlidgi end onfirinci cepeboloty on e netarel wey. This fazzy place starts with this point of fazzy that sits on who is the difonide and sits wothuat and crosp.