Topic > Review of relevant and industry-specific literature...

Review of relevant literatureAfter briefly reviewing the above-mentioned basic barriers, as follows, the researcher will proceed to discuss the industry-specific barriers, intertwined with the literature review relevant; and using a combination of analyzes described in the Program Results section of this project. Introduction Pilots take an active and important role in the aviation industry and are expected to possess critical thinking and technological skills. Aviation schools are required to provide students with both theoretical and technical opportunities related to aviation. Training institutions that teach 141/142 training programs promote critical thinking and technology skills through field education and student activities such as simulation. The opportunity for students to practice flying safely in today's complex, high-risk training environment is limited to situations involving high-risk maneuvers that are not ideal for the students' learning experiences to simulate. Simulations provide students with the opportunity to perform high-risk maneuvers that are not ideal for student learning experiences in a real aircraft environment. Simulation allows students to practice skills and apply key teaching knowledge in a safe environment. In the simulated environment, simulations using flight simulators are student-centered and provide students with the opportunity to practice decision-making, problem-solving, and crew resource management (CRM) and emergencies in a threatening. Therefore simulation becomes an important implication in any aviation training curriculum. To provide excellent positive transfer of training within the simulation, it is necessary to use safe, efficient and accurate equipment... middle of paper... ten ask to help users define the complexity of the simulation or the fidelity required to train aeronautical personnel. Poor decisions and negative implications can confuse users, resulting in devastating effects in spending more money than necessary or dealing with life-long results of poor training or implications inside the cockpit or aircraft. It is important that human factors personnel present careful reviews and modifications to translate a positive outcome for aviation personnel. They are responsible for distinguishing real applications from the claims of suppliers or industry consultants. The Federal Aviation Administration has implemented regulatory revolutions in response to disastrous accidents and incidents. Training personnel of many pilot training programs are increasingly facing unprecedented challenges in achieving the best simulated program under a specified low-cost price scenario.