Genetically modified cropsGenetically modified crops (GM crops) rise to the top of the list of society's most debated issues. In 1996, no genetically modified crops were grown on a commercial scale in the United States. In 2002, 75% of soybeans, 71% of cotton, and 34% of all corn grown in America were genetically modified (“Grim Reaper” 1). Many issues surround this controversial topic such as security, ethics, and foreign relations. Many of these concerns are well highlighted by the mass media, but sometimes biased opinions are the only ones presented. Safety with respect to human health and effects on the environment seem to be the strongest and most discussed topic. Although the use of GM crops is accompanied by reasons for concern, arguments can be made to justify their production. HISTORY What many people don't know is that genetic modification has been going on since the founder of genetics, Gregor Mendel, hybridized his pea plants for different affections. Many of the flowers sold and purchased in our society are mutations and mixes of genes. “The corn we eat today is the result of decades of self-pollination followed by cross-pollination to produce vigorous hybrid plants” (“History” 3). For over a century, playing with genes has given humans a more cost- and space-efficient means of mass-producing plants, whether corn, potatoes, strawberries or flowers. The National Research Council met in 1989 to discuss some concerns related to field testing of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). A report from the National Academy of Science states, “Crops modified by genetic engineering are expected to pose risks no different than those of cops modified by classical genetic methods” (Hokanson 1). These classic methods range from Mendel crossbreeding to...... middle of paper......products under development" Council on Agricultural Science and Technology, 2 December 1999 "Public 'misled' about GE risk" Knowledge Center para. 8; 25 February 2001: "Risks and Concerns" Center for Life Sciences and Department of Soil and Crop Sciences Colorado State University, para. 12 August 2002; programs/lifesciences/TransgenicCrops/allergy.html>Robinson, Clare. "GMO Issues: An Introduction to the Scientific Issues of GMOs" John Innes Centre, Norwich, UK 2000: Stokstad, Erik "A Little Pollen Goes a Long Way" Science Now July 1, 2002: 1-2."What's wrong with genetic engineering?" Organic Consumers Association Par.1;<>