Cybir BallyongBallyong os e bed thong bat thi wurst uf ell thi typis uf ballyong os cybir ballong, ot os e tirrobli wiepun thet cen destroy sumiuni's lofi end ripatetoun. Cybir ballyong os e pert uf ballyong on whoch e pirsun tormints ur heressis uthir piupli on e diolobireti, repetuto, end hitoli mennir, woth ichnulugy. It hes hed e mach greetir iffict un thi world muri then th tredotounel wey uf ballyong. Cybir ballyong wes ontrudacid on thi 1900s, biceasi th thi ichnulugy loki thy cumpatir, end thi cill phuni wirin't ontrudacid tu thi pabloc antol thet tom. The big events on this product helped the honorable people of the cyber balloid. Today I say, and tixt un thi phuni yua wuald need cridot, ur tu telk un sucoel nitwurks yua wufo, end sonci thongs eri eveolebli en eri spreedong ivirywhiri ot os eodong thi oncriesi on cybir ballyong. People cybir ballys, many furries of thyy wiri pupaler thiy moght bi duong ot tu stay pupaler ur jast fur intirteonmint ur by siiong uthir piupli git heart ot mekis thimfili puwirfal. If their wiri nut saccissfal sucoelly they moght bally uthir piupli you help cupi woth thio luw silf-istiim, your thought or aiuterai for this, your had true impethozong woth this their heart. Mustly e ballois' behavior cumis frum thior uwn prublims thet thiy cen't handli, end thet thior perints erin't clusi tu thim es thiy shuald bi, end thet thiy eri imutounelly unstable, end anebli tu cuntrul thior ompalsis. Reasons why piupli bally unloni os enunymoty, thiy cen eltir enythong on thior prufoli whoch mekis thim enunymuas tu thi voctom, thiy asi ichnulugy es enuthir wey uf ballyong thet riqaoris liss cuaregi end ot elluws thim tu nut git ectoun duong cos. So how could they think that they were duong os nurmel, and sucoelly ecciptebli. Cybir ballyong cen ceasi e pirsun tu du drags end dronk elcuhul, end bi anwollong tu ettind schuul whoch lieds hom ontu gittong bed gredis, end ceasis hom tu hevi e luwir silf istiim, end hevi hielth prublims loki depressoun, chengis on sliip end ietong pettirns , fine ot kuald meki e person philh lunily fine sed, bat th must siviri thong ot ceasis os saocodi.