The short story "Fish" by Joanne Harris is about the successful young protagonist, Jack, who marries the young, wealthy antagonist, Melissa. To celebrate his honeymoon, Jack chooses to take his newlywed wife to an Italian city called Naples. There, Jack gets a chance to get to know Melissa, as well as himself, better. In "Fish", Joanne Harris shows how Jack is able to reconnect with his past and his true self after arriving in Naples with Melissa for their honeymoon. The life that Jake lives previously, in England, the one before coming to Naples, is materialistic. a. Jack marries Melissa for the same reason she marries him. This reason is the fact that she belongs to a wealthy family and that he is a successful young individual. Marriage was even “the first step in his long-term plan, and much would depend on keeping Melissa and her family sweet” (Harris, 251). To keep himself tied to a rich family, he would have to treat her well and show his dignity to his family. Upon first arriving in Naples, Jack's goal is still to obtain Melissa's wealth and not the honeymoon. After their first argument upsets Jack, he reminds himself why he married her and that "there's no point in putting your foot in the door if the next thing you do is stick it in your mouth" (251). Through this passage, Jack tells himself to calm down, so that his plan does not fail after it has gone perfectly so far. This plan can lead to greater wealth and a better reputation than he already has with his colleagues, whose thoughts he values highly. This is why Jack would never let anyone at work know about his love of food, since everyone "seemed to live on coffee and filters" (251). It was n… in the center of the paper… it dealt with the sun” (248). The literary technique used in this passage is that of imagery as the description forms images in the reader's mind. Jack shows that he embraces what Rosa represents when he begins to pay more attention to her than to Melissa. He does this by ordering more food to which Melissa states "Damn you, Jack, you knew I wanted to leave!" (257). Jack has now not only rejected the materialistic world, but has also embraced a new one. To rediscover his true self, Jack went through the materialistic world which led him to change and return to the world where he feels happy and belongs. to achieve happiness, Jack had first married Melissa for her wealth. Then he went to Naples, where he learned about the differences between him and his wife. After doing so, he realized that they did not belong together as both are suited to two different worlds.