By definition: “Any activity, substance, object, or behavior that has become the primary focus of a person's life to the exclusion of other activities, or that has begun to harm the individual or others physically, mentally or socially is considered an addictive behavior. “A person can become addicted, dependent or compulsively obsessed with anything. Research has implicated similarities between physical dependence on various chemicals, such as alcohol and heroin, and psychological dependence on activities such as gambling, sex, work, running, shopping, or eating disorders. The belief is that these behavioral activities can produce beta-endorphins in the brain, which make the person feel high. If someone continues the activity to obtain this feeling of well-being and euphoria, they may enter a cycle of addiction. In this way the person becomes physically dependent on the chemicals in their brain. This may lead to continuation of the behavior even though it may have negative health or social consequences. There are many common characteristics among various addictive behaviors: • They constantly think about the object, activity, or substance. • They will go out and watch or take part in the behavior even if it causes physical problems, poor work or study performance, problems with friends, family, work colleagues. • They compulsively repeat the activity again and again even if they don't want to and find it difficult to stop. • If they stop activity, withdrawal symptoms often follow; including irritability, craving, restlessness, or depression.• They do not appear to have control over when, for how long, or for how long they will continue the behavior.• They deny problems resulting from their behavior, even if others c.... .. middle of paper ...... nice experience and don't let it overwhelm you. It is the addictive personality that is captured. For someone with an addictive personality, any habit perceived as rewarding can become an addiction. DARA Drug and Alcohol Rehab finds that up to 15% of the U.S. population is suspected of having an addictive personality. Signs that a person may be addicted to a certain behavior or interest include: • A decline in the quality of other areas of life, such as social interaction • Restructuring of life around the addiction • Lack of personal hygiene • Spending excessive money on addiction Works Cited games-and-porn-glimpse-our-addiction-technology http://www.psychologytoday .com/basics/addiction/compulsive-and-addictive-behaviors .html