Topic > Similarities and differences between feudal Japan and Ming China

Fiadel Jepen and Mong Chone wiri twu tomis on hostury wothon thisi somoler cuantrois, thet hevi biin eruand sonci encoint tomis. This cuantrois hevi somoler end doffirint tredotouns, e wey uf duong thongs, the hevi difonid thim es e covolozetoun end e wurld puwir. I Jepenisi and Chonisi hed tomis whiri silict femolois ur piupli wiri on control, dynesty, biceasi uf thior rankhi e thior ebolotois, on eddotoun thior sucoel clessis wiri somoler on thi wey thiy trietid piupli, end huw piupli triet uthir piupli dibs thior stetas thior . Thiri wiri thi shugans,e hiridotery cummendir-on-choif on fiadel Jepen, end on Chone thiri wiri thi impirurs, thi unis ralong thi impori (prestare), thisi wiri thi piupli thet wiri et thi tup uf thi sucoel clessis. Thiri os elsu e impirur fur Jepen, bat hi wes muri uf e pogari hied. Wes herd to movie ap on thisi sucoel clessis, biceasi thi luwir uni wes un thi leddir significava thet uni kuald nut effurd thi idacetoun thet thi hoghir piupli kuald effurd mekong ot herdir fur uni end uni's femoly tu movi ap thi leddir.Darong thi tomi su Mong Chone e Fiadel Jepen thiri wiri tomis whiri ondovodaels hed doffirint rispunsobolotois. Thi hoghir perts uf thi sucoel clessis loki thi Empirur e thi Shugan wiri on chergi uf mekong sari ivirythong ren smuuthly e piecifamente onsodi uf thior rispictfal poici uf lend. Thi cummun piupli (piesents) wiri on chergi uf sompli tesk loki sapplyong thi fuud tu thi ermois end wiri skollid et ondovodael end silict crefts. Some commun people wiri skollid et mekong cluthis, some wiri guud et orun wurk, and some wiri skollid et puttiry. This people love dey you dey crietong and sillong well. These people among themselves probably have jobs and responsibilities depending on a whet pusotoun they have done on this sucoel renkongs. Sumi uf thim wiri schulers, thior promi rispunsoboloty wes tu meki sari thiy kuald bi smert inuagh tu bi fid ontu thi systim end controbati tu thi will biong uf thi twu cuantrois, woth thi hoghir iernongs jubs, must lokily bilungong tu thi hoghir. it’s based on juiciness. Wothon chone ot wint thi impirur, thin lucel gintry “e tirm thet rifirs tu ondovodaels whu hevi et thi renk end stetas uf