Topic > What are selfies and the value of self-expression?

They spend hours studying online makeup tutorials or training their bodies to hide their flab. All to ensure that they paint an attractive self-portrait of themselves online, a false image. Kim Kardashian, known far and wide as the Selfie Queen, has been giving casual advice on talk shows about taking selfies, advice taken seriously by her army of avid fans. Celebrity fans often emulate and copy selfies of stupid things done by their idols out of blind idolatry. For example, Kylie Jenner posted a selfie of her lips in a glass, claiming it's the beauty secret to her plump, pouty lips. Blindly following her without thinking straight, some shot glasses exploded on their mouths, making them much worse than they originally were. The value of self-expression is steadily declining along with the decline in self-esteem, shown by the photos of models, causing the average normal teenager to feel unspecial and unworthy of attention