Employers should have the right to examine personal information that they find in the public domain and can use it lawfully. An employer has the right to inquire into your financial history, why not a public page of your private life. Social media is a gateway between privacy and a public bulletin board. If your personal posts aren't monitored and your privacy settings aren't set to Friends Only or Private, then the information is fair game. It is always people's responsibility to monitor what information they disclose and how. When people rely too much on the government to protect their privacy, they become reckless and disclose information that the government cannot protect. An employer receives a resume, which is a vague description of the potential employee. With this information it is very difficult to select all candidates. Most employers are looking for an optimistic and experienced workforce. Having a resume with limited understanding of past experience and no personality is difficult to sift through. Some resumes are bad, some are worse: "Most employers don't have the time or patience to sift through irrelevant details." Mary Lorenz, CNN.com. When people limit the information provided, it is often simply ignored, but when a candidate's selection is limited, the employer will look for additional information to give themselves an advantage during the interview. Potential employers may be able to access information about a person through a background check. This information is not confidential and is usually available upon request. Potential employers can access your bankruptcy filings, workers' compensation claims, Social Security number, education records, military service records, work history and driving records. “...... half of the paper ...... the candidate before proceeding. Looking at public posts on social networking sites like Facebook or Twitter is legal; however providing false information to obtain more confidential information is illegal because the information was never intended to be provided to the employer. Employees use some information to make partial decisions, but mostly they try to uphold the company's image to promote business. Keeping a constant check on your employees ensures the productivity of your workforce, as well as information on how to keep morale high. Works Cited http://www.thisisleicestershire.co.uk/Sacked-prison-warden-close-criminals/story- 12070001-detail/story.htmlhttp://articles.cnn.com/2007-08-29/living/ cb.resume.irks_1_job-seekers-false-information-irrelevant-details?_s=PM:LIVINGhttp://www. examer.com/career-advice-in-chicago/what-can-be-gathered-during-a-background-check