The pact is unconditional because it does not depend on David or the obedience of Israel, it depends on the faithfulness of God. God also reaffirms the promise of the land made in the Abrahamic and Mosaic pacts (2 Samuel 7: 10). God also states that David's son will build the temple that David desired to build for God (1 Chronicles 17:12). I believe this covenant shows God's faithfulness to His people even when we are not faithful to Him. God promises to bless his people even if they disobey because he has made his promise and is faithful. Just like all other covenants, the Davidic Covenant was initiated by God. This is the last major covenant made by God before the New Covenant. The Davidic covenant is quite important because in this covenant it is promised that the Messiah will surpass it. The New Covenant is the promise made by God to the whole earth. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the foundation of this promise. We are called to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Through Jesus our sins are paid for and we can now enter into a personal and eternal relationship with God. He is our God and we are his people (Jeremiah