Cicero believed that humans were not strangers in essence, he thought the opposite, everyone was connected through God and his divine law and plan. By following God's law, humans could accomplish what was planned for mankind. The scholar asserted that through a unifying universal force, human beings had a sense of unity in their essence and who they were. He stated that a common good could be achieved if sufficient efforts were made.2. Who should govern? The lawyer and scholar believed that there should be a universal government that would govern the people, this government would be led by a mix of all three classes. He claims that a monarchy would be the ideal rule, but this is extremely unrealistic since all humans think the same way. By establishing a mixed form of government, people would feel more of a connection to the laws and a greater personal responsibility to follow them if they had a part in their creation. Furthermore, all people would be considered equal before the law since all have equal capabilities and through effort a common good can be achieved; the only thing that differentiates humans is their variety of gifts, beyond that there is no variation. A person's economic status in no way defines their ability to lead, of all groups that participate in government, there are no inactive citizens who are not part of the