Topic > The Pros and Cons of Recycling - 1443

Recycling is not an easy thing to do. First you have to remove the stickers from the bottles and then clean the bottle by wasting more energy in the form of running water. Recycling can even “require more energy to recycle a given product than was needed to originally make it” (Greenify project 2014). So you can't just expect everyone to recycle if it's not the most convenient thing to do. It takes constant reminders to recycle, and it might even cost you some gas money to make recycling trips. Don't let people fool you by saying, “recycling is easy!” Some plastics can't even be recycled, and when they are, they aren't always convenient. Conserve Energy Future says: “At times, it may be necessary to set up separate factories to process reusable products. This could create more pollution in terms of cleaning, storage and transportation” (2014). So, even when you recycle, you can never be too sure whether you're supporting or damaging precious ice sheets. But think about what you're doing when you do it