In such a large team, "children will learn to develop the skills to make and keep friends, and to work together with them." (Wolff) When you play any sport, you spend five to seven days a week practicing with these people for about two to eight hours a day. When you spend that much time with someone, there's no way not to build friendships. In order to execute a successful game, the eleven players on the field must unite their minds and play together as a team. “The friendship built between a team of football players is unlike any other sport… with dozens of players working towards a common goal, the bond many kids develop with each other is priceless.” (Hewitt) When they remember their childhood, adults will not remember the person who sat behind them in seventh grade English class or the person who asked them a question in eighth grade algebra class, but they will remember the quarterback or running backs who were on their team with them during high school