The downside of being an immigrant occurs when it comes to going to school, especially a public school. Salina talks about multiculturalism and how it is anti-assimilation. On multiculturalism in schools, even public ones, Salins argues that multiculturalism promotes ethnic resentment, meaning it removes the focus on what America represents and the contribution that has been established. Salins' concerns about public school are that he feels like humans are becoming detached from what they should be learning about America, instead of learning about the history and growth of how America came to be. With this, Salins struggles to understand why the school is promoting the teaching of multiculturalism in public school or any school that teaches beyond American historical work. Furthermore, he believes that bilingualism in teaching immigrants is an anti-assimilation ideology, because the bilingual curriculum tends to fall behind and fall behind, rather than someone being taught more subjects than just English. In the article, he states that “multiculturalism is explicitly and consciously directed at cultivating an acute sense of ethnic grievance and victimization among the children of ethnic minorities, with narrowly defined ethnic minorities including blacks, Latinos, and American Indians.” He feels that the