Empowered leadership shares power with subordinates in an effort to increase their autonomy and encourages the expression of ideas. Strengthening leadership also promotes innovation through collaborative decision-making and information sharing. This type of leadership is generally used in the military when a task is not time critical or when the goal is to achieve the best possible outcome by exploring all available options. Leadership empowerment is also used gradually as members advance through the ranks as it tends to create accountability in tasks and a higher degree of effectiveness and commitment. As members gain a higher rank, they are provided with more responsibilities commensurate with their rank. For example, a junior noncommissioned officer is given the responsibility of supervising 1 to 10 subordinates and ensuring that routine daily tasks are accomplished. The amount of subordinates and responsibilities increases to the point that the highest ranking military member (the Chief of Staff) is responsible for the actions and well-being of all service members, as well as ensuring that all global (peacetime) tasks , war) time, humanitarian or otherwise) are met as economically as possible. Whether empowered or directive leadership is used, professional military members are generally receptive as long as the correct approach for the situation is used. Responsibility