Yes, we hear about cutting-edge eco-friendly cars or refrigerators every day, although what isn't explicitly stated are the processes to create these eco-friendly products. Parts and pieces will arrive at the assembly plant by car, train or plane, which are not always environmentally friendly and contribute to ozone-damaging CO2 emissions. The only way to be truly green is to not drive an eco-friendly car or build one. I agree with Owens that going green could deteriorate the environment in unexpected ways and one way to correct this behavior is to consume less. The increase in natural gas and its extraction has caused its price to collapse, resulting in its excessive use, which has decreased interest in renewable energy. Wind is a great renewable source, but just out of reach, literally. The best wind blows high, out of reach, and we don't have windmills tall enough to reach the wind that will produce useful electricity. However, I object to his theory that we have reached the limit of resources and innovations. I guess we don't know everything and we haven't created or discovered every possible response or resource to the global energy crisis. There are still numerous possibilities and crossovers that have not been discovered but which could create energy