institutions opening campuses abroad are private, although globally the majority of U.S. schools opening IBC campuses tend to be public (Lane & Kinser, 2011a). The American Council on Education's "Internationalization of Understanding" model aligns institutions' missions with globalization initiatives, policies and programs. Comprehensive internationalization, a concept developed by ACE, is a strategic, coordinated process that seeks to align and integrate policies, programs, and initiatives to position colleges and universities as more globally oriented and internationally connected institutions (Olson, Green, and Hill 2006). ACE recommends that institutions focus on six essential areas before exploring opportunities to globalize their academic programs: 1. Articulate institutional commitment by ensuring that the institutional mission and key stakeholders promote and support internalization, the “Key Performance Indicators " established necessary for goal setting and accountability measures, 2. Administrative structure and staff consistency of practices and operations of staff responsibilities for the supervision and management of campuses and internationalized activities, 3. Curriculum, co-curriculum and learning outcomes that provide universal learning opportunities for students by indicating academic coursework, research studies, and program designs. 4. Faculty policies and practices that influence comprehensive curriculum development, student learning, cultural awareness, and continuing education for faculty. 5. Student mobility promoting national and international study abroad programs with efforts to support education and cultural exposure. 6. Collaboration and partnership by creating mechanisms for the expansion of institutions and collaborations to strengthen global partnerships “Brian Circulation”. Tracking results through evaluation management for program planning and ongoing government support