They are both equally important in helping leaders increase competitiveness. Transactional leaders tend to rely on rewards to keep employees focused on their tasks. Transformational leaders tend to focus on the health of the organization and each individual employee, which in return benefits longevity. The transactional leadership method is much more uncompromising and can bring down an employee as well as elevate them. It appears that using transformational leadership helps build a more collaborative effort that can improve organizational culture and performance. On the other hand, using transactional leadership is more effective based on economic change at the organizational level. The strategy our group has chosen to invoke regarding transformational leadership is to ensure that leaders focus on employee development, create future visions around the status quo, and look ahead to defining new purpose. The transaction is a little different, we recommend focusing more on the tasks at hand, better explain expectations to employees, resolve problems immediately and reevaluate the reward process. Maintaining competitive strategies such as innovative differentiation and marketing differentiation will also help impact the organization and should be easy