Topic > The Book of Deuteronomy: The Bible from the Bible

(Pr 4:23) By the grace of God because he loved me first, and despite my continued failures like the ancient Israelites, I was then commanded to go to teach my children. (Eph 6:4) As then, the spiritual education of children is first and foremost the responsibility of parents. As the children of Israel traveled from Egypt to the Promised Land, their teaching was not an activity limited to an isolated part of the day. Rather, it was a teaching intertwined with life activities. Dt 6,7 The teaching had to take place while they sat, walked, lay down and stood up. Just as then, this teaching was meant to be a demonstration of a lifestyle woven into the fabric of everyday life. ConclusionThis passage from the book of Deuteronomy in the Old Testament is a beautiful command from Moses to the people of ancient Israel reminding them that they are God's chosen people, emphasizing how they are to live as God's chosen people and that they are called to honor and love the one true God. Just as the ancient Israelites were not yet “home,” that is, not yet in the Promised Land, and needed to be reminded of what was required, we too are not yet “home.” For us, because of Christ, this “home” is in eternity in Heaven, and so this verse is as relevant to us as it was to the ancient Israelites in emphasizing