Through this methodology the strategic marketing plan will have the best overall result while remaining on the path established by the team. Some valuation methods are based on time while others are based on product movement. An example of time- and product-based evaluations that the team decided to start with a weekly data collection on sales, both national and international. The data collected is who buys the most products (which companies), in those companies which departments (human resources, sales, marketing, etc.), how many computers they are purchasing (quantity), and is there a trend (recurring purchases versus the first time ). After the first two weeks have passed and a small collection of data is available, this will serve as a baseline. Once the baseline is established, the team can identify areas that need to be fixed or at least trends that need to be monitored. Once the first quarter is over, the team will proceed to bi-weekly data collection, assuming that all supply distribution channels, sales routes, and production line quantities are all in the green. These assessments will continue through the end of the first year. Once all quarters have met their target scores, including year-end sales, evaluations will occur over a monthly time frame. This evaluation method