Why is it okay for people to marry the opposite sex wherever they want, but a same-sex couple can't get married in most states? Why can't they have the right to express their love through marriage? They are just like any of us. HUMAN. According to the Definition.uslegal webpage, same-sex marriage is a marriage of a ceremonial union of two people of the same sex; a marriage or marriage-like relationship between two men or two women (1). The reason I chose this topic is because after so many years of fighting for the right to marry, it is now legalized. However, same-sex couples are still not completely free. Homosexuals go through so much throughout their lives. Learning how they might cope with their pain or discrimination after a long period of time is something I hope to learn during my research. My purpose for selecting this topic is because at one point in time homosexuals had neither the right nor the freedom to legally marry. They fought and fought before a law was passed in New Jersey around 2013 stating that the same sex now has the right to legally marry. Another reason I chose this topic is because homosexuals are not free to do the things that married couples can do. According to the article written by Rachel Sauer, Debbra and Meg, a couple who consider themselves married are "denied all the legal benefits of marriage, including joint property in the event of poverty and next-of-kin rights for hospital visits" (1 ). It must be difficult to deal with, knowing that all you want is to have the same rights as heterosexual couples, but you can't because the law doesn't allow it. Why same-sex couples can't have... middle of the paper... and out: Lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders are no different than a straight man or woman. Homosexuals have endured pain in many ways, from people with high authority to no authority. Without legitimate reasons, not only are they victims of discrimination, but they are also victims of not being able to express themselves as freely as any heterosexual person does. They have many limitations, such as not being able to adopt children together with their loved ones or even having the same rights and benefits as heterosexuals regarding marriage. LGBT people breathe the same air we do, eat the food we eat, wear the clothes we wear, and live in homes just like everyone else, why judge them if the only difference they might have is who they prefer to share their love with? . Marriage should be from one spouse to another and not from one gender to another.