Topic > Days of Childbirth (fiction) - 1215

Pregnancy and childbirth are part of nature. Giving birth to a baby can be a beautiful experience. However, childbirth can also be very painful and last for days. My mother accompanied me to what would become my last visit to the doctor before giving birth to my daughter. Dr. Dermer looked at me and then told me to be in the hospital around half past six that evening. He advised me to have a good dinner before leaving for the hospital. Dr. Dermer had decided to induce my labor because I was two weeks behind my due date. I ate a good dinner and went to the hospital. I distinctly remember the feeling I felt in the pit of my stomach. I couldn't determine whether the feeling was fear, anxiety, relief, or a combination of all of these feelings. When I arrived at the hospital the first thing I had to do was register. Registration only took a few minutes because Dr. Dermer had already called the registration department and pre-registered me. Now I was on my way to the labor and delivery department. As soon as I got to the labor and delivery floor, I saw Brian, the father of my unborn baby, and his best friend Chris. I was relieved to know that he had already arrived at the hospital. One of the nurses came over and took us to my room. He told me to undress and put on my hospital gown. After putting on the dress, I climbed into bed. The nurse then proceeded to stick me with needles. He had to draw blood and start the IV. He explained to me that the medicine in my IV bag would very slowly induce labor overnight. The nurse also explained to me that this process was to prepare my body for the following morning, when my medications would be increased. Shortly thereafter I fell asleep. The next morning I was awakened by the beeps of the IV machine. The beeps were caused by the nurse increasing the dosage of my medication. At the time, I had no idea of ​​the day I had ahead of me. Around eleven o'clock that morning, I began to feel slight stirrings deep in my stomach. The pulse felt like it was rising to the surface of my stomach. Once the palpitations came to the surface, they seemed to pull at the surface of my stomach. The traction was very light and occurred......middle of paper......rmer stated at that time that if I had not dilated more than three years he would have to proceed with a cesarean section. three to five the nurse checked me one more time. I was still only four centimeters dilated. She called Dr. Dermer and he told her to go ahead and prepare for the c-section. Dr. Dermer came in at five minutes past three and checked me one last time. I was nine centimeters dilated. Dr. Dermer said, “We're not going to do a C-section today, she's going to have this baby.” He told me to slide to the foot of the bed and put my feet in the stirrups. A minute later he said he could feel the baby's head. Everyone told me to push. I grabbed the handles of my bed rail tightly and pushed with all my strength. My daughter was born at 3.36pm Brian and I had already chosen her name. We named her Courtney Brooke. Nine years have passed since my unforgettable experience with childbirth. I love my daughter dearly and will always cherish the memory of my three-day birth, but believe me when I say that I will never experience the excruciating pain of childbirth again..