When Candide was in Lisbon he witnessed several religious court proceedings. An example is when the Portuguese authorities decided to burn people to prevent future earthquakes. Two people were singled out because they refused to eat bacon, so the authorities assumed they were Jewish. These authorities also hang Pangloss for his opinions and flog Candide for endorsing them. The religious leaders within the novel waged campaigns of religious oppression against those who disagreed with them. An example of this is when Martin was telling his life story to Candide. Martin claimed that the Surinamese clergy persecuted him because they thought he was a Socinian. In return Martin claimed that he was not a Socinian, but a Manichaean. Manichaeism sees the universe divided into two forces, good and evil, and these forces are always in conflict in the world. This thought was also contradictory to Pangloss' philosophy because a world partially dominated by evil cannot be