“The Redemption Series” by Karen Kingsbury is a series of five books about the fictional Baxter family. In each novel in the series Kingsbury introduces new characters and realistic trials that occur. The Baxter family, in "The Redemption Series", is led by parents John and Elizabeth Baxter based in the small town of Bloomington, Indiana. John and Elizabeth have five children who, in each novel, become the main characters at some point. The children are Brooke, Kari, Ashley, Luke and Erin. Each Baxter child has a novel addressed to him that describes the struggle he has personally encountered in his adult life and how having a strong family and a strong faith allows him to survive. From Kari Baxter's husband having an affair with a college student to her murder, and Luke Baxter completely abandoning his faith and running away from home after losing his role model in 9/11; the reader becomes attached to the characters and feels the character's struggle as his own. Kingsbury convinces the reader to continue reading until the end. “The Redemption Series” by Karen Kingsbury paints a strong picture of what love, hope, and strong faith should look like in a family. The characters in "The Redemption Series" are a realistic family that develops closer relationships throughout the series as they are tested. with difficult times. For example, the youngest daughter Ashley runs away to Paris when she was still an adult and does not speak to her family for an entire year. The Baxter family home in Indiana has no idea where she is or how she is doing until one day she comes home and is pregnant. They discover that she has been in a troubled relationship with a French artist and has no one left to turn to except... middle of paper... the series of novels. A well-written surprise ending keeps the reader on the edge of their seats. Kingsbury plots for the follow-up series titled "The Firstborn Series". Anyone looking for a series about remembering how to have faith in the Lord, The Redemption series is a great bet. Works Cited “Karen Kingsbury Quotes.” Quotes by Karen Kingsbury (author of Redemption). Np, ndWeb. April 09, 2014.Kingsbury, Karen and Gary Smalley. Redemption. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House, 2002. Print. Kingsbury, Karen and Gary Smalley. Rejoice. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House, 2004. Print.Kingsbury, Karen and Gary Smalley. Remember. Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House, 2009. Print.Kingsbury, Karen and Gary Smalley. Return. Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House, 2009. Print.Kingsbury, Karen and Gary Smalley. Meeting. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House, 2004. Print.