INTRODUCTION Marketing is one of the vital functions of any organization. Marketing efforts allow the company's products to be visible and desired by customers. Marketing decisions can be made based on some predefined theories and models, which allow a marketer to make an informed decision (Van Bruggen and Wierenga 2000). The term “marketing model” refers to any schematic, mathematical, or tabular representation of information that can provide information to the user in a logical manner (Lazer 1962). Marketers have used various marketing models since the end of World War II. Since then, models have changed dramatically to adapt to the business context (Leeflang and Wittink 2000). Some of these are: brand equity models (Kamakura and Russell 1993), diffusion models (Simon 1994), brand loyalty (Dekimpe et al. 1997) and the like. With this in mind, this report focuses on how marketing models have evolved since the post-World War II period to today. We then go on to discuss whether these models have any relevance in today's economic context. Using an example, the report also examines how the use of models translates into a positive outcome for the organization. It also shows the need to update models to meet changes in the business environment. THE EVOLUTION OF MARKETING MODELS Leeflang and Wittink (2000) divide the evolution of marketing models into five phases. The first phase is defined by the application of management science (MS) and operations research (OR) to marketing practices. These models are classified into descriptive, predictive and normative models, based on their primary application. Descriptive models are those that describe and discuss the marketing process (Cye...... middle of document ...... JDC (1975), 'BRANDAID: A Marketing-Mix Model, Part 1: Structure', Operations Research, 23(4): pp. 628-655.Little, JDC (1975), "BRANDAID: A Marketing-Mix Model, Part 2: Implementation, Calibration and Case Study", Operations Research, 23(4): pp. . 656 -673.Little, J.D.C. (2004), 'Models and Managers: The Concept of a Decision Calculus', Management Science, 50(12): pp. 1841-1853.Simon, H. (1994), 'Marketing Science's Pilgrimage to the Ivory Tower', Research Traditions in Marketing, (Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers): pp. 27-43.Van Bruggen, G.H. and Wierenga, B. (2000), 'Broadening the Perspective on Marketing Decision Models', International Journal of Research in Marketing, 17(2-3): pp. 159-168.Warshaw, P.R. (1980), "A New Model for Predicting Behavioral Intentions: An Alternative to Fishbein," Journal of Marketing Research, 17( 2): pp. 153-172.