Topic > External marketing and external communications:...

I do most of this right now along with all of our design work, and it's something I really enjoy doing. The reason I haven't followed through on most of these things and formulated an actual marketing plan is because it's just been a side job for the last year. I really think Vicksburg is a big enough market and we are a big enough YMCA (especially with possible expansion and discussions about launching a capital campaign) that we need to make marketing more of a focus than a secondary thing to think about. I would like to add marketing/community relations to my job description and, if possible, to my job title. It's work that needs to be done and work that I love doing, and it's something I see a future in moving forward. If it was part of my title, it would be better for my resume in the future, and that would mean a lot to me. (But don't worry: We plan on spending a good number of years still in Vicksburg with me still at the Y.) I'm not exactly sure what the new title would look like, but it's something I'd like to discuss. As mentioned above, it's also something that funding has been approved for, so at some point I'd like to discuss how