Canadian Prime Minister Kim Campbell recently said, “Despite our high unemployment rate, 300,000 jobs remain unfilled.” This large number of job vacancies is shocking, as it seems that most people globally are more worried than ever about their job security and the fluctuating rate of unemployment. For example, many high school students today are asked, especially by their teachers, to choose a major that will have high job demand once they graduate from college. Furthermore, most people have priorities when looking for a job and more often than not job security is at the top of their list. Of course, job demand and security have always been important, but since the 2009 financial crisis they seem to have a much more significant role. However, after reading Kim Campbell's quote, I was amazed at the number of jobs left unfilled. There could be numerous reasons why people don't apply, but a common reason is that people simply don't like doing certain jobs. Unfortunately, this leads to families suffering needlessly and many businesses without a strong workforce. One type of industry that has recently had difficulty recruiting workers is agriculture. Unquestionably, agricultural work is one of the most physically demanding jobs; Farmers often work on their feet all day in the scorching summer heat while carrying large, heavy buckets of produce. For this reason, American farms are unable to recruit many citizens willing to work. Therefore, a human resources problem arises as many agricultural companies wonder whether or not to hire illegal immigrants to fill their labor shortage. If they choose not to hire illegal immigrants, labor shortages will persist; so, there may not be enough workers to c...... half of the paper ......, with the knowledge I gained from the class. American citizens may not accept agricultural jobs only because of the physical demands they place on workers, but also because of the low wages and limited benefits offered. These are some of the reasons why 300,000 jobs go unfilled every year (“Kim Campbell Quotes”). Additionally, with the economy as it is today, many companies don't have the funds to provide workers with high wages and numerous benefits in hopes of hiring or retaining them. However, I believe that if a company offers employees a safe and friendly working environment, workers will be happy and motivated to work hard, which will ultimately result in profitability and future salary increases. However, if discrimination continues to occur in this industry, immigrants (illegal or legal) may also be reluctant to take these jobs.