Although Black Theology became popular in the early 1960s, it was not an entirely new topic. Black theology sees God and Christianity as a gospel relevant to black people who struggled daily under white oppression. Its origins are clearly visible in the spirituals sung by African Americans during the time of slavery nearly 400 years ago. Because of slavery, black people's concept of God was totally different from that of the masters who enslaved them. White Christians saw God more as a spiritual savior, while the reflection of God for blacks came in their fight for freedom. Slave theology then opened up to black theology which first began when churches began to become segregated. Many could not understand how Whites could continue to behave this way in the house of the Lord. It was soon realized that this was because, in their opinion, their God allowed segregation. It is obvious that over time white people have created a particular image that most people see when they think about what Jesus looks like. The most common idea of an image of Jesus is one with light skin, blue eyes, and long dirty blonde hair. Many people don't imagine Jesus as a black person might imagine him. Only in this is the implication of a specific stereotype about Jesus, which implies that His message does not apply to everyone. This is why black people are “searching” for a black messiah. White theology makes it seem like God's word is geared toward white people and not black people. White theology is limited in its interpretation of the Christian faith regarding other races because white people never conceived of the “black Jesus walking in the ghettos.” The tragedy of the interpretations of Jesus Christ is that in His name, most... put aside... our differences, or see them as a cause of separation and suspicion" but use them to unite us together to make a change. Today, people of all races should be able to identify with Jesus and see His humanity. The black man can now look at Jesus and see him as the black Messiah who fights oppression and frees captives. Black and white women can see him as a feminist fighting for women's rights, and everyone can imagine him as all races in the world. All people on earth are God's people and are all part of His creation. Our diversity; our various races and ethnicities are reflected in the unity of God's creation as He planned. The image of God must not be limited to one race or group, it must concern all races, all groups and all ethnicities, because we are all children of God and His message is intended for all people on His land.