Priority assigned, timeframe, responsible parties Measurable performance indicator In this project the task is to develop strategies for the Australian hardware company to improve its performance . The strategies are to generate more revenue, capture a large market share, increase the profitability ratio and make this company the best for home improvement products. Therefore all these strategies can be achieved in a shorter period of time and the IT managers, CEO and other staff including the supervisor are responsible for the success and failure of this project, while the performance indicator can be used to know whether any of the strategies work well or not and what is their performance in the given time period. Meeting context The operational plan is under development for the Australian hardware company. Therefore, a meeting with the CEO, IT engineers and staff members of the company will be necessary to ensure the success of this project. Therefore during the meeting as a supervisor the objective of the meeting will be specific and defined. The strategic plan key performance indicators for this plan, the operational plan, the idea of new products and services for the home, the hardware system and all other details will be presented during this meeting to communicate to the staff members and a other person the basic idea of the meeting. This will allow members to ask frequently asked questions and the supervisor will be able to answer them. Supervisor Role Play In the process of recruiting and meeting staff members, an employee's role play is always very important. Role playing will help to develop employee motivation, so in this project the supervisor should be aware of all the necessary information required for...... middle of paper ......ll• Product presentation on social media and advertising Resources • Know all strategic management tools and techniques • Hardware and software engineers • Coordination with staff members. • Social media, Facebook, tweeters, Instagram. • Newspaper Advertisement Implementation of Changes The company first focused on developing the strategies for the company and then the supervisor was asked to develop the strategic and operational plan to build the strategies to generate more revenue. But in the project in question it is also necessary to focus on the marketing sector to increase profitability. Therefore, for the execution of the marketing campaign in the strategies part some strategies are added that describe the development of an effective marketing campaign and further describe the implementation of this marketing plan through social media and advertising.