Topic > Medicalization Theory by Deborah Lupton - 872

Doctors urge patients to follow traditional practices to maintain a healthy lifestyle and avoid disease, illness, pain, and even premature death. This “hidden power” is demonstrated through cigarette consumption. In the 1960s, cigarettes were the hottest fad until doctors learned of their deadly side effects. Doctors then informed the public about the risk of premature death, with a consequent decrease in smokers. Latour would agree with this notion because this “hidden power” helps reveal society's black boxes, such as cigarette smoking and its effects, and inform patients of its intricate details. “Aside from those who do the science, who study it, who defend it or who submit to it, there are, fortunately, some people, trained as scientists or not, who open the black boxes for outsiders to take a look at. ” (Latour:15) Patients are able to understand the “black box” and, therefore, will try to follow the guidelines produced by medical professionals to stay healthy and live a long and pain-free life. This helps keep power to medical professionals without making it obvious to patients. Parson would also agree with the idea of ​​a hidden society because it allows doctors to voice their concerns