Topic > Supporting Family Caregivers of Elderly

The term “caregiver” means someone who provides a significant and ongoing level of care to a person limited by chronic conditions (DOH 2012). Caregiving involves a short period of post-acute care up to a period of long-term ongoing care, depending on the level of dependency of the care recipients. Family caregivers form the backbone of the social care delivery system, dedicating an important part of their time and energy to the chronically ill or elderly (Angelo 2013). Indeed, there are 164,000 older people with support needs in various communities across Ireland (TILDA 2012). A greater number of carers in Ireland are unpaid workers (89.5%), compared to 10.5% of paid carers (TILDA 2012). Most older adults require help from close family members or friends, who spend a lot of time interacting with loved ones while providing a full range of care activities. The provision of long-term care by family members has been found to be stressful in the sense of increased burden and anxiety (Neri et al. 2012). Difficulties, resulting from multiple tasks, leave personal pressure on family caregivers, who often sacrifice their own pastimes and health needs for others (Angelo et al. 2014). In this study, the first part mainly focuses on the impacts of caregiving and the needs of family caregivers. The second section will discuss the contribution of a nurse gerontologist and the importance of training in the assistant's area of ​​practice. Most family caregivers have performed nursing duties for loved ones with chronic physical or cognitive conditions, which include managing polypharmacy, helping with mobility devices, preparing special diets, performing wound care... . half of paper ......vers. American Journal of Nursing 111 (11), 52-8. Plank A., Mazzoni V. & Cavada L. (2012). Becoming a caregiver: new experience of family caregivers in the transition from hospital to home. Journal Of Clinical Nursing21(13/14), 2072-2082Sahdia P., Val M., Robinson C. (2014) Does coping mediate the relationship between familism and caregiver outcomes? Aging and Mental Health 18 (2).TILDA (2014) Profile of community-dwelling older people with disabilities and their carers in Ireland M., Perala M. & Laukkala H. (2012) Impact of caregiving on Finnish familyCaregiver scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 26 (2), 211-8.Yoon SK, Jong-Sung J., Jin-Gyu K., Sung-Soo K. & Samyong (2014) Supportive therapy in cancer 22 (5), 1243-50.