The images of Africans involve starving children and their mothers with flies swarming everywhere, probably in some refugee camps. This causes the words “hunger and drought” to become synonymous with Africa. In the YouTube video, Better Glob, commenting on Africa, states: “Africa is the only region in the world where poverty and hunger continue to increase despite fifty billion dollars in charity.” Better Glob also states: “Eighty percent of African farmers live on less than a dollar a day and over forty percent of Africa's population lacks clean drinking water. Only two out of five children have access to adequate education." Africans are portrayed as people who can do nothing to help themselves, who are helpless and dying of poverty and AIDS, who cannot speak for themselves and are waiting to be saved by the West. The media always shows pictures of sad and dirty-eyed African children asking for an urgent donation of money, which are regularly used to tell people that this is how Africans suffer from chronic hunger. In the Ted Talks video, Africa is poor and in 5 other myths, Simon Moss says, people believe that poverty is getting worse and that nothing ever changes in Africa. These are the things that have been building for decades. Therefore, many people in the West see Africa as a poverty-stricken country where war and disease wreak havoc. Nothing good comes from Africa, as are various things from Africa