Medieval castles were the beginning of the modern age. They had forms of government and each had a specific job. However, it was still primitive by modern standards, because they still had a king and queen and there was no indoor plumbing. This blend of primitive and modern makes medieval castle life an interesting and intriguing time to experience. A medieval castle usually had five main buildings: the hall, the kitchen, the barracks/accommodation/supply buildings, the water rooms and a chapel. The chapel was the most influential and sacred place in the entire castle. Usually the chapel would be two stories high to separate the royal family from the servants. The royal family would be on the second floor while the servants would be on the ground floor. If the royal family was particularly wealthy, their room was connected to the upper floor of the chapel. It was fitting that the royal family woke up and went to morning mass every day. While the royal family was present at the morning mass, the servants prepared breakfast and the mass usually lasted about an hour on a normal day. The royal family usually woke up between ten and eleven o'clock while the servants woke up much earlier. The chapel was always connected to the main hall for easy access to servants and anyone in the main hall. The hall is the most important part of the whole castle. It was the place where the most important business of the castle took place, where meals took place and everyone could go to the hall. The hall was easily accessible to the people and usually resided on the ground floor or second floor. It was the largest room in the castle and was connected, like the church, to the royal residence. Ordinary people entered the hall through a door on the of the card......side of the building on the wall like a fireplace. They would use a chimney structure to collect the smoke and expel it through the roof. The fireplace is still in use today. Life in a medieval castle was luxurious compared to the peasant life of the time. However, life in a medieval castle is very interesting and quite challenging. Being king would be the best job. If you were a servant, however, you would sleep on the floor of the king's room or wake up early and prepare food for him. The life of a servant would be a hard life but still better than the life outside the castle. You should be grateful that you are not a serf and that you do not live in medieval times. Works Cited Life in a Medieval Castle. Thomas L. Jeffrey. January 14, 2014.Life in the castle Living in a medieval castle. Gen. 20. 2014.