Most European nations practiced indirect or direct government. Direct rule is when a foreign power replaces the rule of a group of people with its own government, directly ruling the population. Indirect rule is similar, but instead of overthrowing the current government, the foreign government uses traditional “puppet” leaders in place of foreign leaders in order to effectively govern the population without alienating them. Both types of government are equally limiting and leave native populations without any real political power, although indirect rule gives natives a false sense of political representation. According to an article in The Gold Coast Leader dated July 12, 1902, the governor of Ghana at the time reportedly said: "I will not allow anyone to sit on a stool if I know he is disloyal, and I will remove any one from his stool who misbehaves with the Government. As long as they behave, I will support the power of the native leaders” (Imperialism 18). The Governor states that as long as a traditional leader supports and agrees with the foreign power, he is allowed to rule political of African leaders since they have no power to dissent or fight against European rule even in places where Africans hold a modicum of political power Since European powers (in the case of indirect rule) have complete control over which African