Section One: False ConfessionsIntroductionThe criminal justice system identifies a false confession as a written or oral statement in which an individual falsely admits to being guilty of a crime. In recent years, several cases have emerged in which an innocent individual had falsely confessed to a crime (Frumkin & Lamendola, 2009). The consequences of these false confessions often lead to the conviction of innocent people for crimes they did not commit (Schell, 2011). The case to be explored in this article is the wrongful conviction of George Allen Jr., which will be discussed later. False confessions may be encouraged through coercion, mental disorder, or incompetence of the accused. Although false confessions may seem like an extraordinary and unlikely event, they occur regularly in jurisprudence (Kassin, Appleby & Perillo, 2010). Types of False Confessions To date, there are five different types of false confessions. These include voluntary false confessions, false confessions compliant with coercion, false confessions internalized under coercion, false confessions responsive to coercion, and false confessions substituted under coercion (Frumkin, 2010). The types of fakes often overlap; however they all have unique properties that distinguish them from each other. Kassin and Wrightsman describe three of the five types of false confession. The first is voluntary false confession; this confession is given without any pressure from the police. An innocent person willingly goes to the police to falsely confess to a crime. The individual falsely confesses for one of three reasons; because of their morbid need for notoriety, to protect a friend or relative, or a pathological need to be punished (Kassin & Wrightsman, 1985)... half of the paper... the techniques investigators use to obtain confessions ( Gudjonsson, 2003). To decrease the number of innocent people incarcerated due to false confessions, interrogation methods must be taken into consideration and modified based on how that interrogation technique obtains a confession. New interrogation techniques must demonstrate to suspects that they do not need to give a false confession in order to go home (Gudjonsoon, 2003). There are various types of false confessions that must be taken into account when modifying interrogation techniques, as they all have unique properties that allow them to differ from each other (Kassin, Appleby & Perillo, 2010). It is clear that false confessions seem unlikely to most people, but society must accept that they occur frequently in jurisprudence and therefore must be taken seriously.