Chapter OneIntroductionOverviewCulture is an important component when studying a group of people. The idea of culture creates a mental image of how people interact with each other in communities of various sizes. For educational leaders, throughout the decision-making process, working within an institution's culture is an important resource to use with internal and external stakeholders. Craven (1975) deduces that to make a good decision an educational leader must “pursue organizational and/or personal goals and objectives” (p. 127). The process of recognizing, respecting, and utilizing an institution's culture will be an important theme of the traits and behaviors of effective educational leaders and the decisions they make during their decision-making role. Summary The presence of positive traits and behaviors of educational leaders throughout the decision-making process is an important indicator of how an institution will thrive. An educational leader's ability to determine and utilize an institution's culture is a proactive leadership method, as it takes into consideration the social and professional norms of an institution and its individuals.Chapter TwoLiterature ReviewIntroductionOverviewMany times our first thoughts in educational matters, leadership is aimed at our first experiences as children. For the most part, this person is the principal of the school. Teachers and students may have a distorted view of this authority figure. He or she is often the focal point of decision making and discipline. The principal is the singular driving force that unites teachers with their colleagues and students with their teachers and peers (Goldring, 2...... middle of paper...... the central theme is indicative of a well-informed and shared approach educational leadership system, discussed by Ramey (2004): “If teachers know that [the administrator is] accessible and around, they will feel comfortable asking questions and getting clarification before an issue arises transform into a larger problem” (p. 30). A culture that allows members of an institution to work together will address many important educational and institutional issues that are often not addressed until a catastrophe level is reached The culture of educational institutions – K-12 or higher education – plays a defining role in how each institution functions. Educational leaders must be able to take charge and use this culture as part of their daily routine when interacting with parties internal or external stakeholders to achieve success..