Topic > Argumentative Essay on Beverage Consumption - 1061

More and more research is emerging to suggest that there may be several health benefits associated with consuming this dark black colored beverage, from helping to prevent HYPERLINK "http:// info/diabetes/" diabetes to reduce the risk of liver disease. Coffee may be protective against type 2 diabetes. UCLA researchers have found that drinking coffee increases plasma levels of the protein sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). SHBG controls the biological activity of the body's sex hormones, which play a role in the development of type 2 diabetes. Dr. Simin Liu, one of the authors of the study, said that "there is an inverse association between coffee consumption and risk of type 2 diabetes" (Nordqvist, 2016). Not only could this limit your chances of getting type 2 diabetes but caffeine helps you stay alert. Some jobs require you to stay awake. For some of these jobs it is the night shift workers who consume the majority of these drinks. I know from experience that it becomes difficult for me to eliminate these drinks from my diet. When we have these drinks so available, it becomes difficult for men and women to eliminate caffeine from their diet. If we learn to drink these beverages in moderation instead of what we Americans drink today, we could live longer, healthier lives Instead of your cup of coffee in the morning, a good workout will do the same thing for your body, as coffee