Classical Greece and the world of Hellenistic kingdoms Greek civilization underwent many drastic changes between the Hellenic and Hellenistic periods. These eras not only provided enormous amounts of culture and identity to the Greek people, but also served as a starting point for great future achievements. At the hands of many great leaders, the Greeks initially focused more on the military, politics, and architecture and were able to hone their skills and create many classical Greek achievements. At that time politics seemed to become a major focus due to expansion and wartime. Our textbook author Spielvogel states: “It was a period of brilliant achievements, largely associated with the flowering of democracy…” (Spielvogel P 77). Creative culture and developing nations had produced foundations so large that they would eventually become one. of the most advanced civilizations ever. When Greece adapted a new military system, everything began to change. They now had armed soldiers and guards to protect them from nearby invaders. Greece was positioned such that it held a strategic advantage due to the surrounding mountainous terrain. Warfare at that time became an integral part of the Greek way of life. The Greeks adapted many new types of armor and, surprisingly, quite a few citizen-soldiers rose to the challenge. Politics also played a fundamental role in the development of the colonies. The colonization of Greece has been given credit for establishing a broader and more defined Greek culture. Furthermore, colonization opened up a great opportunity for trade. The Greeks exported oils, wines, and even clay pottery. In exchange they could trade fish, wood, metals and even slaves from... means of paper... statues and sculptures that had never been created. Classical Greece was the one that lived during Alexander's conquests and was heavily involved in creating a powerful army to protect the country. In classical Greece, regarding importance it would be very difficult to say that one era was more important than the other. In fact, many would argue that without one there would have been no other. Classical Greece was credited with the creation of political freedom. They were able to vote on issues similar to a democracy. The idea that people could govern themselves was a completely new idea at that time. These great contributions have led many people to try to learn from the ways of Greek culture. Without underlining which ear may have been the most influential, we realize that without the greatness of classical Greece there would have been no Hellenistic culture..